Monday, August 5, 2013

Post 122 Botanical Garden at USF

Post 122
Botanical Garden at USF, Tampa

Greetings and welcome back!  I have been enjoying much of Mid-Florida including this Sunday on the grounds of University of South Florida which has an annual plant sale within the primitive framework of a botanical garden on campus.

I trust all good things have come your way and I thank you for your prayers of support and good tidings which have come to fruition in a new job!  Much going on and to be thankful for.

Please enjoy these indigenous plantings central Florida and I will return soon.  In addition to getting settled in a new job, I continue to explore new beaches every weekend.  It's a task, but somebody needs to do it!

I can't say why this has taken so long except that it was a job where none existed and they were waiting for me to get there to put me into the slot of an idea they had and were developing.  Turns out that I have done this several times and so I am enjoying it, once again.

All I can say is that God is faithful and things sometimes (most?) just are not in our view of what needs to happen when.  Not that there is withholding of any good thing, but that we just do not know the timing of this and that, which must come together for doors to open.

My encouragements are this:  stay with people who love and encourage you, support you, make you laugh. Continue on, declaring those truths that fit your situation and weather the discouragements, which may be frequent.  Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again.  Keep moving forward until you get what you are praying for.

Somebody asked me today "Are you always this cheerful and on a Monday?"  My reply was that "Yes, employment is an excellent springboard to thankfulness and joy"!

I sat down at someone's desk to do some training and this little plaque stared me in the face: "Remind me why I'm thankful for this job".  How ironic, that the one who had one, could not really produce joy from knowing they did!

I'll be thinking of you!

Until next time...