Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Welcome Back!  Post 116

Thank you for hanging around during this intermission in my life!  I have several things to share from my travels.
It is turning to summer in most parts of the U.S. and in the South, this means humidity and scented breezes.  I'll take it!  

After North Carolina I spent a night in Georgia with the friends near St. Simon's Island again.  My, what a beach at sunset; the Coast Guard station beach.  The tide was in and that wide flat beach had disappeared.
From there, I took a local road across the top of Florida and then hooked in to I-75 straight South to Tampa.
I was so busy on the job hunt that I did not take a lot of pictures though I did enjoy the many varieties of indigenous Floridian plants in the neighborhoods and even at the big box stores. I bought some and shared with a friend where I was staying.
Sorry to say that the job has not yet happened but, I sowed many more seeds and so the harvest must come.
I met up with a friend who came from New York who is doing the same thing.  She went to Tampa, spent the week searching and came up with two part time floral design jobs.  We had not seen each other since our children were babies but we have conversed via phone and mail for over twenty years. 
We were standing with cell phones at the beach asking "Where are you? I'm by the life guard stand".  It was totally wonderful hugging a friend of that many years, again.
We were at Pier 60 at Clearwater Beach.  You'll see in the picture that it is also very wide, white and flat.  The sand is not as powdery as the beaches a little further South in Sarasota, but it is very nicely kept.  There are bathroom-changing stations, showers, brick walkways and, oh yes, parking machines that suck $16 for all-day parking out of your pocket!  There is a price for the bathroom conveniences.
We talked and laughed, sipped wine out of plastic cups then went to eat local seafood across the street.
It was a wonderful time of encouragement, the same as it is relayed in the record of Ephesians 4:1-3.  We are 'beseeched', which is the Greek word parakaleo,  strongly implored, to encourage and uphold each other in love, walking in balance in our lives. We are to support and help to sustain each other by the Word that lives in each of us and, on the pages. We are to mutually comfort each other.
Ephesians is the book written to us as doctrine; how to do things correctly. Instruction in living. Specifically, this book was written after the law period ended.  We are no longer under the law with the effects or outcome of law but, in grace!  It is all about the new us on the continuum until the next time period occurs.
I also met up with another friend I had not seen nor heard from in 28 years.  Our children met each other in New Jersey and we have had the opportunity to get reacquainted.  He was a great help taking me around Tampa so I could get my bearings and carry out my steps to becoming established there.  For several days, I went out in the morning and walked around malls looking for Help Wanted signs or just went into stores and asked if they needed help.
I sent out more applications on line; which is how everyone does things these days, carrying around my little electronic notebook computer and had a few interviews and assessment and Civil Service tests.
It was an uplifting week in many respects. On the way home, I stopped in South Carolina, spent the night on the couch at another friend's house. 

The next day, I spoke to another friend from Minnesota and throughout these ten days, though I did not come away with a job yet, I did come away with a great awareness of how much we all need each other, both in person and by whatever means of communication we have available.

I was not only refreshed by them, but they were refreshed by me.  I got to give to them and reciprocal relationships are what is important in our lives.
Do not hesitate to pick up the phone, the computer, wave a hand to talk a minute on the street or, just  write a good old fashioned letter. 
Speak, teach, listen, heal, have compassion, give and receive encouragement.
Along the lines of writing, I want to say that electronics are great but on the individual level, writing and receiving a letter is unlike anything else.  Both the writer and the reader can take time to frame thoughts and say things that can be reviewed, even savored.
With words, God brought into being the universe and all that was in it but, with writing it is carried through the millenniums. By revelation, he gave to men and women the words relayed in their special way, all the things in the pages of the Bible that live for us today. 
I Thessalonians 2:13 reminds us that it is not just the word of men (an all-inclusive noun) on those pages; not just something anyone just sat down and decided to do on a particular day.  Rather, it is the word of God which was given to them to communicate in their style.
For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but, as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.
If you don't believe and it is all foolishness to you, it won't work.  Can't get any easier than that!
Regarding writing, I am happy to announce that the stationery note cards are just about ready to be printed.   I am starting with four of my favorites from Hawaii.  I have so many wonderful photos because of the great places God has opened doors to me that I just had to share them!
I wanted to be able to share the beauty of the world that reminds of us of God and what he does for us but also, because the written word from your hand can sustain, encourage and bless someone else!
I will post the selections next time.
For now, enjoy the pictures of the "Salt Life" at Clearwater.  Sand castles, a  seagull in flight, the surf and a kid running in mid-stride.
The mountain pictures are around Ashville, North Carolina where I stopped for peaches and tomatoes just off the vines. Now you know why they are called the Smokies.
If you feel like closing yourself off, remember that what is really needed is  to stay connected.  Call somebody and say "I need a pep talk!".  We need to praise, support and encourage each other.
Until next time, happy sowing and reaping the benefits of God in your life!