Friday, May 24, 2013

Post 115
Actius Luna and other things

Good Morning All,

Isn't this a delightful picture of the Luna Moth (Actius Luna)?  It was hanging between the screen and the window frame this morning, most likely drying its wings in this safe place.
This is a female which is distinguished from the male by the smaller eye spots near the ridge of the wing, compared to the male, whose eye spots are centered in the lower wings.  Emerging as adults for the sole purpose of mating within a short life span of about a week, they have no mouths for eating.  Ah, well, if you have a short life, mating is a good way to live it!
I went back down to North Carolina to help my inn keeper friend and stopped along the roadside to snap pictures of these wonderful roadside poppies. 

 I fell in love with the North Carolina plantings that start the first minute that you roll over the state line.  Various plantings provide color through the miles in every season. 


Right now, poppies are waning (fading), yellow Stella D'Oro Day lillies are waxing (coming to fullness).   See the Camellia flower below, much like a rose but grows on a tall shrub. Magnificent! 
As much travelling that I have done in the mid to East coasts, I can say that North Carolina has the most widely developed flower beds any where and it has been this way for years.

We also caught the first Florida tomatoes at a local market   


and an art fair where a local artist was working her art of batik painting on silk.  Years ago, actual paraffin was melted for the purposes of integrating boundaries into the fabric.  Today, it is a substance that has much more fluidity and comes out of a little hand-held pen apparatus so it gives the artist much more control. 

When the waxy barriers are in place; like penciling in a drawing on canvas, then she goes back and starts adding color with a brush to the silk that is stretched out to receive its beauty.  Amazing! 

A finished work was blowing in the breeze; a Blue Heron in-flight.  Apropos that it was blowing in the wind and getting a still shot was difficult.  I wish I could find her business card to properly attribute her work but such is life, living it out of a suitcase!

I am preparing to go to Tampa, Florida to continue my job search there, spreading my wings for flight.  I have friends-past that I have rediscovered there, love the beach, it has a plethora of health care; my professional field of finance and so I am hopeful that good things will come to pass quickly.
This is something I have purposed in my heart to do and often times, conversation with God is seeing what doors open, when.  We make our own decisions, prepare and then start walking.
I will send you new pictures from a new land of sunshine. I will go along the Georgia coast, past Brunswick and St. Simon's Island on the far Southeastern coast where I was about a month ago, cut across the top of Florida and then go down the West coast.  Tampa is about half-way down the state on the Gulf side, a little North of Sarasota, close to Bush Gardens. 
So much to see and do!
I would like to say Thank You to all the men and women Veterans of all generations who have served our country! 
As a post-script, I saw my friend, HG, that we have been praying for yesterday.  She is returning to her self at home.  A new self and is still very much healing from having been in an ordeal, but she is making it. Thank you, thank you.  This is a case where prayer has made the ultimate difference.  Her healing is great and we are continually thankful. 
As we stay focused on the scriptures and what is available regardless of conditions, this is what carries us through and beyond the lake of circumstance that we are anchored in through in this life.