Monday, June 17, 2013

Post 117 Hemerocallis or Day Lily (lilies)

Hello all!
I have been to Kentucky to start working on the gardens to prepare the house for sale and was delighted to see that it is Day Lily season!  There are several varieties shown here; a few of the 60,000 registered cultivars of the genus Hemerocallis. Native also to Japan, Korea and China they are known for their showy colors and ease of cultivation.  Unlike some flowers propagated by seed of the parent plant, like Zinnias, the transplants of the Day Lily produce in exact clone replicas of the parent plant.
They generally grow in clumps which you can divide with a sharp knife and share with a friend, or, start a new bed.  The bloom itself, comprised of 3 petals and 6 stamens, has its peak beauty for a day, hence the common name of Day Lilly.  I chose the picture above because you can see the unbloomed pod on the left and the bloomed or spent blossom in the center and then the just-opening bloom at the center top of the picture.  They do actually bloom better if you pick off the spent wrinkly petals but while doing this, I have often thought I needed more of a life than picking off dead flower heads! 
Pictured here are samples from my friend's garden and I must say that I also enjoyed time with the garden of friends in my life on this trip.
  My house has been rented out since December so when I return to Kentucky, I have to find some place to stay.  It is such a joy to spend one-on-one time with people, then move on to another friend and do the same all over again. 
 I get to enjoy their gardens as well, and, they get to enjoy  me, for the Bible says, we are to do this.  Iron sharpeneth iron and that there is safety in a multitude of counselors. 

 We pick those friends that can help us address our things in life, and, we help them.  The mutual comfort of us both, for we are not to hide out and stay alone all of the time.  Rather, we are to realize, that like the human body whose tendons and joints supply movement and support to the body, so also, in the body of Christ, we each supply something that no one else can.  The body of Christ works that way, without walls.  While we can enjoy the fellowship of a group somewhere within walls, the body of Christ exists anyway. 
When we take the time to cultivate those friendships and especially, to learn the skill of listening, we are the most blessed when we walk away from our friend's garden.
I'm hitting the road for Florida again tomorrow; an interview on Thursday.  Along the way, I will stay and be refreshed with friends and hear wise counsel.  Perhaps I will get to speak words that to them, are apples of gold in pictures of silver, just what they needed to hear.
I have packed the car with things needed for a more permanent stay and do hope that this one is "it"!
Until next time, when I bring you lace cap and snow ball hydrangeas in their full blooming glory, take time in thanks to see who needs you and then go see them or call them.  Bring them a word that will heal or encourage.