Thursday, December 1, 2011

No snow man, but Frosty came to visit!

  Frosty it was this morning, no snow but the grass and plumes of my grasses glistened with frost.  When the crystals stack on top of each other, very dense and heavy, this occasional phonomenon is called a hoar frost.  This was not but lovely all the same.
  I went out hunting and gathering this morning; I did have to scrape the windshield; still getting accustomed to that again but the sun was bright and clear today which always helps.  I had gotten chilled even in my flannel sheets this morning so I knew the thermometer had dipped in the night time.  As I lay coming awake and to myself at daybreak, Mr. Cardinal chipped at me from his vantage point near the feeder in the back yard.  He lets me know he is ready for his breakfast.
  I found what I call Juniper though it may actually be part of of the native cedar trees.  Green, with small dark cadett-blue berries among the branches. Yes, the wood is fragrant but they are the most prickly trees on the planet.  Many times, my country friends have let me bring a hand saw and cut one for holiday trimming.  When money needs to go for food and not trees you do what you must to bless the little ones in the house even if it means dressing in practically a haz mat suit to remove the tree after the holidays.  It cuts like fiberglass on your skin when it dries out and no amount of soaking the darn thing prevents it from doing that. 
  Right now, all I wanted was enough to do trimming on the porch.  It was also a very nice sunny afternoon so dressed in a sweater, I made the last round of yanking out around the yard.  I thinned out the tall plumes of the zebra and fountain grasses; leaving a few in the center and pulled up the remaining marigold 'bushes'.  They grew large enough to be called bushes, all along my driveway.  You know what happens of course; when you yank them the seeds go everywhere so I will likely have double the crop I did this year.
  To help things out, I took a bunch by the roots and banged the tops against my leg all along my back fence and areas that need some color.  If they come up, they will, if not, no harm done.
  Already December is filling up with business trips, parties and activities.  Several birthdays in our family in this month and so my challenge is to not over schedule.  Even living alone and not having school children, I usually reach a point where I feel like I have obligated myself way too much; either by time or finances or both.
  Let's step back and take a look at that before we do it again this year.  Service without heart is pointless, heart with service is totally about self so somewhere in the middle, we can give more than we usually do with time and finances and yet not over extend ourselves in either.  We have so much and there is always someone who has less and needs more.  We are never lessened by giving but increased.  The guideline is "every man as he purposes in his heart".  You do more than that you are going to be crabby, less than you could and it could nag you appropriately.  You alone know what is your balance and comfort zone.
  May you find the happy medium and enjoy bountifully~and remember that your neighbor may not have much joy.  Families and holidays can be really dysfunctional, difficult at best.  They may be working through grief and loss of a family member. Our service people in restaurants and shops are very challenged this time of year.  Remember compassion and patience starts within and moves outward. 
  May you be a breath of fresh frosty air to the people you meet.  Leave them with a smile and a blessing!