Friday, November 25, 2011

Centennial Lakes Park, Bloomington, MN

Centennial Lakes Park, Bloomington, MN
  It has begun, you know; the busy season, the season of pepper spray in the face while they say "good will to men" shopping, the change of seasons again.  Most of us have family traditions that are joyful or at least compatible.  I am in Minnesota visiting friends, strengthening friendships of new friends and have been put into the winter season, literally, overnight.
  Central Kentucky is still mild and while the weather here is termed "mild" today at 50 degrees, there are snow remnants on the ground and a skim of ice on the lakes.  This propelled me into the reality that this is now Winter.  I had a few days respite after the "fall back" of the clocks and now we are into the official start of The Holidays.  I am still metabolizing and don't quite feel it yet.  My son has an early December birthday and I always tried to wait on the holiday hoopla until after we celebrated his birthday so that he could still feel significant.  I still like that. 
  I will ease myself into the holidays; hand bell programs at church, finding a real tree, hauling out the ornaments and the lights, but for now, the smell of real pine, snow on the ground and twinkle lights on the outdoor trees at Centennial Lakes Park in Bloomington, MN is just enough.  I went with a friend of 23 years, who I have not seen in person for the last 15.  I guess that is a female thing; we have called and kept up with each other at least once a month in all of those years.  Seeing her in person was just like it was when we lived across town from each other except now, the toddler in diapers is not mine, it is her granddaughter.
  This is a "city park", built by developers and was just started when lived here in the late 80's.  Now it is completely landscaped, the ducks swim the brick and concrete canals but it is a lovely place.  You can walk the mile and a half circumference of the park in less than an hour.  Because they have long periods of cold, the canals freeze and the summer gazebo is turned into a warming house, the ice skates come out and the park becomes like a tin-type holiday card of the 1890's.  Though I would not want to live here full time, from time to time, I do miss cold-climate winter activities.  Having grown up in Illinois, we had ice skating but nothing as sophisticated as this; just frozen lumpy pond water. 
  As I strolled the grounds with my friend and reconnected in our face-to-face visit, I enjoyed the city-type beauty around me.
  I hope you do too.  Take a step back from the hoopla that is force-fed us, recognize the small beauties around you and try not to get caught up in the must give, must do and yes, must have parts of the holidays. 
  Wise men who have studied out the actual birth of Christ in September; ironically the 11th, would not dispute that this can be a time of gladness, cheer, more good will toward each other.
  Well, if you are not one of the shopping rats who pepper spray the ones around you to get that all important widget or now-popular gizmo.