Saturday, February 2, 2013

Grace in your heart~

Kula Botanical Garden (and grace in your heart)

...lies just around the corner from the road to Haleakala Crater in an area called "Up Country" on the island of Maui.  Established in 1968 by the McCord family as a private garden, it was later opened to the public so we can all see the outstanding view of Maui's Central Valley as well as many indigenous plants (also too numerous to mention) in this idyllic spot.
For those of you just picking up the blog, I started in September 2012 on a specific journey of grace, just seeing where grace showed up in my life.  Most of it, as you can guess, comes to me in the beauty that God made for us to enjoy.  Why grace or why did I decide to catalogue it?
In preparation of migrating the blog to a new Email address, I have been reading and saving all the entries I have made, which started July 18, 2011. Today's entry is #96, so at 100, I will change everything over.
This means, you won't be able to see the archives.  Unfortunately, Google does not enable that process and I must trade Emails; from enormously costly to free.  When I move the blog to the free Email, I will lose everything I have posted before.
I noticed that initially, I started the blog with almost all botanical information but did not include a lot of Biblical thoughts nor scriptures.  What I found though,  was that in less than 5 posts the Real Me came out in my writing.  Sharing what I know from the Bible was one of the reasons I did the blog in the first place.  I have a love of plants and can direct people to resources with lovely pictures but in addition, I wanted to be able to share Biblical paths, as well.

I still believe the scriptures that tell us the goodness of God leads people to a viable sustaining relationship with him so if I can make those paths clearer, then I will have helped somone along their way.
The "grace" sections started in September of 2012 because I was launching myself into totally uncharted waters and wanted to catalogue the journey.  At my age (56), one does not usually quit a job, move and start over.  I have felt all along that it was God at work in my heart to do this and though I have been challenged by a period where things appear to be idling in neutral, I am still committed to waiting it out and seeing where things go.  What doors will open, where will I end up and what will I be doing when I get there?

Historically in scripture, we see this piecemeal instruction is applicable. Most of the time when somebody was told to do something or go somewhere, they did not have an itenerary all mapped out for them from the onset.  They were simply told to do the first step and the rest came as they did each step in turn.
Not unlike this lovely botanical garden that was just around the corner from the planned day trip to Haleakala Crater, I want to see what is around the bend in my life.  When you are willing to go off the path (or a new, unscripted one) you can see amazing things!
This small family garden has evolved into 25 acres of fabulous well-planned botanical architecture.  There was an aviary of local birds, a section of lovely orchids, a small coffee plantation, Christmas trees, a desert-cactus-succulents section, small walkways with unexpected delights and truly exotic blooms that I have never seen before.  Wrapped with the bow of grand vistas of the valley and ocean, misty in the distance at noon-day sun below, it was truly a magnificent hillside Eden. 
Now there is a life for me:  working in the garden, for a long time in your life.  Tending, nurturing, learning and growing oneself from the inside out by working with plants.  Perhaps, in my retirement years! 
When my kids were small, we enjoyed a book called The Lupine Lady which told a tale of a woman who dropped Lupine seeds every time she took a walk.  Over a number of years, they spread and the entire island became a popular spot, all because someone took the time to spread a little cheer of seeds along her way.
For now,  enjoy the journey with me, down this path.  When you don't know what to be thankful for, just stop right where you are.  Take a look around, let the beauty that is present, find you.  Let peace find you.  Then let it out to the people on your journey today.
Grace in your heart Colossians 4:16) is a wonderful thing.  It is not demanding, it is giving.  It is not judgemental.  It brings peace.  It brings joy.  It brings hope that is guaranteed but not yet seen.  Not yet time for something to happen, perhaps, but grace is the oar that keeps us going down the path (See November 10, 2012 entry) until the door opens for us to take the next direction.
Are you willing?  Here am I, send me, really means that we have made a decision and we are willing to go and do.
Come on, find grace to help yourself in time of need today or here is a challenge:  find grace in your heart for someone else.  You don't need to leave home to have new direction!

Keep writing those things down that are surprises in builds hope.  Until next time, please enjoy some of the beauties from the Kula Gardens!