Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Seasonal Quick Changes

What a difference a day makes!

Hi all, returning from the land of What is going to turn up today?  You can see by the left photo; Pine Mountain Resort state park in Bell County, TN and the same spot just a few days later.  Sorry for the phone lines in the way of the view; just the road shoulder to pull over on.
It is that quick change time of year in weather and some times, in temperaments!  People are hustling and bustling, bidding each other "Good Cheer" and in the next breath they say "HEY, you %$#& !!".  As we said in an earlier blog, it ought not be so that we let things fly.  I'm guilty but I am also trying to be not mercurial in temperament at home.  Circumstances can really challenge us but here is the real challenge:  when those opportunities come, try not to take the bait of fear in a situation or frustration with your dear spouse or colleague.  Take a big step back.  Make yourself think.  This is hard for me but I want more peace in my life and this part is up to me!
Quick changes also happen in situations, so we want to be prepared to act on what comes our way.  Remember that most times in the Bible, God did not lay out a full-blown itinerary to the listener, He said "Get up, go now!", then the person got more information when they did the first step.
That happened to me last week.  As you know, I have had my house up for sale but I was not happy with what Realtors were telling me and I decided to put it up for rent with pictures on one of those free listing networks.  Kablam!  I had responses within 30 minutes, half of which were requesting a long-term lease!  Wow, let's think about that! 
I got some education on leasing agreements, loaded myself in cousin's Beast Truck (Extended cab), drove to KY,  found a storage unit, rented it and started closing out the house to re-open for occupancy as quickly as possible.
Exhausting!  Physically and emotionally after three days of ripping and running the roads as a friend used to say.  I had great help, God provided people with muscle and another truck.  This was my little cottage home and gardens that I loved so much, the bulk of where my daughter was raised, but this was the right thing to do, but I had to do it right now!
Friday, I will go back to Kentucky to finish and the tenant will meet me Saturday morning.  Whew!  I am really thankful though.  Thankful that this person will have a cosy nest to be in and this gets me further down the path.
Still job searching every day so thanks for keeping that in your thoughts and prayers for me!
Hope you are enjoying the special times of visiting and renewing friendships, family time and the joy from giving, wrapping and baking!
We have done biscotti, peppermint bark, toffees and cookies galore and oh what fun!  Someone dear gifted me with a seasonal Amaryllis, cousin and I put up the tree and a few outside lights.  When I come up the hill at dusk from a walk, (up that 80 degree incline), it is nice seeing their twinkle through the trees.
I hope you are enjoying your holiday season!
I plan on going around town and getting some shots of holiday decorations.  It does not snow much here, though it has turned cold.  Houses are putting on their finery however, and I will bring it to you when next we meet.
Until then, stay warm in your heart, keep peace closer than your wool socks!  It is the bridge to receiving and helps build the path!