Sunday, December 2, 2012

Full Moon, Fullness of TIme

Rise of the full moon, November 28, 2012

Dusk, evening tide; when the colors fade in view to shades of indigo, then black, white and grey. 
Amazing in all its phases, the moon rotates on an axis, just like the earth, but, in the opposite direction.
Did I know this from memory? Heck, no.  If I were on the comedian Jeff Foxworthy's show, Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?, it would become abundantly clear that maxim Use it or lose it, would be true.  
It has been researched that the mind has to hear something a few dozen times to remember it the first time, and, after that, any one's guess as to how long it sticks in your brain.  If you do not routinely use that file of information in your brain, you will forget it.  Some things, we try to forget, other things, we wish we could remember!  Why did I come in here?  I know I came to get something?!
It is cousin's belief that we start retrograding in our tastes and palettes back to the comfort foods of our youth; pastas, chillis or whatever ours was.  
This is neither here nor there on the topic but, I once worked with a woman who was rather proud that she had the tastes of a 10-year old.  She would never try anything new.  She liked white bread Bologna sandwiches; cut on the diagonal, thank you, grilled cheese, hot dogs, macaroni out-of-the-choke-you-with-powder box kind.
I have been stumbling in knitter's growth, trying to learn new stitches, move away from scarves with just 8 stitches across, and am slogging my way through a pair of slippers for my daughter's holiday gift.  Shhhh, don't tell her.  She doesn't read my blog so I am safe in telling you the surprise.  I am progressing but am fairly tethered to cousin to help me figure out what I've done wrong when I do it.  Here I am, three hours away, did part of one row, messed up and now have to crate the whole things back so that she can help me!
It's all in the learning curve.  The point is, keep learning.  Keep moving forward, trying new things.  One of my sisters is trying out lap swimming, God Love Her, she is striving into the next decade with a new form of athletics (torture). 
This afternoon, I passed forward my limited knowledge in knitting to two other ladies.  They have been crocheting for years and felt rather awkward at two knitting needles, but they really wanted to learn it.  They kept saying "I'm stupid"!  Are you kidding?   It's all good as the saying, it's great!  Builds new brain cells to try something new!
So, whether it is knitting, running, swimming, mathematics, cooking, reading a new author that you have never tried, watching a movie you would not have picked...try something!  Do something new!  Think outside the box for yourself.  Life is not a dress rehearsal!!  Do not let today pass you by!
Only two pictures today.  The first one is the rise of the full moon and then in the shot below, full-dark has fallen.  What a glorious thing, that God has wrought.  Every 29.5 days, we see this wonderful fullness of the moon.  I lay in bed at the TN cousin's round house (I call it the Tree House) and see it gliding over top of the sky lights.  I awaken and say "Thank You" and continue on sleeping.
May we all have something fantastically simple to rejoice in today.  Colors that the eye sees, a drop of dew, the smile on a child's face who thinks you are grand, making toffee; even when you don't cook it to the "brittle" stage but it still tastes good.
One of my favorites?  Pulling out the red velvet shoes for the holiday season...but that's another story.
Stay tuned, stay tuned in to life!