Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Seasons are a-changin' !!


Well, it is here, whether we like the weather and the changes of the heart underneath, or not.  When I was at Destin, FL, the weather was flighty, subject to change in a few minutes, as you can see from the pics above.  In a matter of hours, the fun and sun of the last of summer gave way to early squalls of fall at the beach.
Closer to home, since I have last written, I started transitioning myself to TN, not only in hearth but in heart.  It is a big change.  Cousins have graciously invited me to stay with them so while they were gone, I worked on the landscaping and such. 
MY WORD!  Such spiders this time a year!  You walk out onto the deck and overnight, there is this glom of webbing.  EEuwuh!  I shuddered, knowing there was some sort of arachnid biding its time to catch the meal for the young ones in waiting over the winter.  I weed-eated (is this a verb?) and was thankful several times, for gloves!  I saw spiders with bodies as big as my thumbs.  YIKES!
While I am navigating the waters of insurance after my employer (COBRA), trying to get a driver's license in TN so I can open a bank account (really difficult since I won't have my own utility bills), I gave away a few more  things at the KY house, trashed a bunch of corporate paperwork (Yippee!) while I await what is due me from my former employer. I found a patch of Bittersweet, found some friends who were glad to have some things that I had to give, enjoyed their wonderful company.  Their twin grandsons (age 4) treat me like a Rock Star when I arrive.  Children are so unpretentious.  I finally figured out how to tell them apart; well, until their teeth change, then I'll have to figure out a new way to distinguish them.  Only to their loved ones, are they not identical!
In my new location, I have applied for work at a grocery store, a discount store, have done several on-line professional applications and then finally decided I could make money cleaning houses.  So, I ordered cards and gift certificates in case someone wants their family member to have a clean house too!  I've even sent resumes to places that are not even taking applications.  This yielded an interview upcoming next week.
Bottom line?  Not sorry at all that I resigned but the mind grinds while things are in process.  To offset this, I have cleaned, baked, cooked, gone to the yarn shop, swept the driveway with a broom (this would be the one at an 80 degree angle), raked gravel in the driveway so my car does not bottom out while crossing the bridge and, am enjoying the wonderful colors in the trees here. 
I am enjoying the grace that is being sprinkled into my life like paprika onto potato salad.  I am introducing myself to the community.  I found a new hair dresser who has a family in need of prayer, customers in the yarn shop that can take my house cleaning cards to where they live, and I wait.
I wait for the Lord to make his moves and rejoice that there is grace and peace in the church epistles that are addressed right to me and will never get lost in the address change system of life.  Grace and mercy; if together like salt and pepper on the stand of life, also gets peace squeezed in there as well, again, because God knew we would need liberal amounts of it.
We need peace, we need that safe haven wherever we can find it.  In words of scripture, in the indigo blue of a late sunset and even in the spiders spinning their last webs.  It is the progression of life's seasons.  We choose them, or, they choose us but we roll along seeking that peace and comfort.
When we open the door to where ever home is at the moment and smell a pot of soup and an apple pie, we can be thankful.  We can praise God for the leaves and the way they are made to change color, that we get to see those mare's tail-type clouds or big banks of cumulus just rolling in over the shore. 
Wherever we are, wherever are heading, even if we are not quite sure where that is...perhaps more then, because we have said "Here I am, send me", we can trust in God's ability to bring things to pass, not in our own ability to believe, and that, my friends, is what actually brings the passing to pass.  When we quit trying to lassoooo the universe ourselves and stand fast on the fact that God will do His thing, with or without our personal "believing", that is when things happen.
Oh, and the humming bird registration form that I signed in July with my Mom and Aunt?  I got it in the mail, meaning, the bird they caught and banded that day I was present with the number I donated for, was caught somewhere else.  Now that is just the life's cycle doing its thing.
May I have that kind of unconcern about how it will carry on without me!
Happy Fall!
Spider Belly

Fall blooming Aster