Saturday, October 27, 2012

Falling Into Grace...

Thank you for coming back around to Blooms...I have been on the road but in a different way than when I was traveling for work.
When we left off last time, I was starting to transition myself to TN which, I am still doing.  The pictures today are from around Lexington, KY which is where I am coming from, and around North Eastern TN, where I am going to.
In the interim, it has turned to Definitely Fall; temps and the leaves are falling.  I have also been to IL to pick up my Mother and Auntie; we had a road trip back here to TN on the most perfect fall weekend weather.  I stuck to my "not working yet" idea just so I could take them and myself on this journey.  At 88 and 86 respectively, if they wanted a road trip, I wanted to be on it and go!  We had a grand time in the car.
The barn and foliage above is on a small road called Pisgah (Pizguh) Pike in Woodford County, KY.  I have been back there to pack up some more things, visit friends and I started digging perennials, brought them here to TN and got them in the ground at cousin's.  Currently, to get reception to do the blog at all, I am outdoors on the porch, wrapped in a blanket with a hat on...some days are good for technology, some are, well, not so great.
Later today, I will roast a leg of lamb with lemon and rosemary, new potatoes from cousin's labor in the garden.  We have had the last of the tomatoes...a little mealy but still have that garden flavor.
I hit an emotional wall during this transition time; while digging up my flowers I was flooded with memories of all the good times I had in that little house.  It was my first house paid for on my own by much weed pulling and mulching to aid my regular salary; particularly in the early years. Children that jumped on the trampoline are now young ladies in college, some of them struggling as parents already and some, just struggling to make good choices.
I will have to say goodbye to my church family but here, I have met another kind and they have welcomed me into their small group fellowship like I have done throughout the years all over the country.  I had a great job interview last week and will find out about a permanent job next week.  Until then, I have weeded, washed windows for hire and passed out business cards for housekeeping.
I feel certain that this is the place I am needed the most now but I am not yet completely done with what is in Kentucky, until the house sells.  Something intrinsically is telling me that it won't be long now and so I am preparing myself for the actual move.
A dear friend prayed with me and spoke some wonderful words of wisdom to me that really healed my heart and confirmed that change; while we sometimes fall into it because of our decisions, can also be daunting.  Everything familiar will be replaced...doctors, dentists and all those other care givers that I for one, have had the same ones for the last ten years, at least. 
However, there is also an unexpected delights that await you when you dare to go.  I had a very nice motorcycle ride around the curves, saw leaves as they actually fell in front of me and came back to cousin's to write with a stillness, a new sense of peace in my heart that I have not had in a long, long time.
That other place of employment?  A lot of people had been replaced in the weeks since I left; entire departments, so I was not incorrect in my timing.  It has also given me the opportunity to simply believe those scriptures that fit the situation, not my own ability to bring things to pass.  This is a huge leap, not without knee scrapes sometimes, but mostly, I realize that the leaves keep falling and I do too.
Falling into grace upon grace because I happen to need a lot of it at the moment.  Hebrews chapter 4 is all about that.  Charles Spurgeon, a noted 19th Century English theologian, wrote a little "tome" about the topic and the very chapter and verse and find it just as apropos today as when he wrote it in 1885 or so. 
Hebrews 4:16 Let us come therefore boldly before the thrown of grace and expect mercy and grace to help in time of need.
"Why would we", I shall paraphrase Spurgeon, "continue to go to a divine God who would not help you when you ask?  Therefore, when you ask, expect to receive, for He has written it for our benefit".
Indeed, Rev. Spugeon, indeed~

View of the Clinch Mountains



Woods in Morning, TN