Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Post 129 ...and be ye thankful...
Hello all,
Just a note to say that I hope the admonition of Colossians 3:15 is tucked into your pocket like a safety tissue that is needed, which is
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
That word "Let" means "to allow".  Allow the peace of God to take precedence in your heart, which is the center of your deepest emotions and beliefs.  Peace is available and is a living arrangement regardless of what the conditions of the moment are.
You can have a really busy life but it does not have to be not peaceful and while your at it, be thankful! 
Cousin and I are sharing recipes again. They're hers, I'm using them and I give away the results.  I miss living there, even with the dogs who must bark the second their nose hits the air outside the door. 
Safe travels to you.  It was raining yesterday when I left for work and in my review mirror, I saw someone behind me rocket out in a 90-degree angle, smash into the tension cables in the center divide between the 8 lanes of traffic and come to rest in the grass median.  5 seconds and your life could be completely changed.  I did not see the outcome, but I did pray the person was alright and got help quickly.  Fortunately, there were no other cars involved which is amazing in morning drive-time because had I been in the lane next to him, not ahead, it would have smashed me, the on-coming lanes of traffic or all.  ...and be ye thankful...not really too hard to come up with something to be thankful about.
Here are more fall pictures.  I'll be back after the holiday.  Enjoy yours also!