Sunday, November 3, 2013

Post 127 Frank Lloyd Wright at FSC
Part 2
Today's segment is centered on the Annie Pfeiffer Chapel building at Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida and is considered to be the center stone of the crown of jewels in the collection.
Constructed from 1933 to 1941 it commands respect as well as ushers in a quietness within when you enter it.  As we know, worship can be any place at any time so it is not that this structure is designated as a place of worship and fellowship, it is because the design is so far ahead of its time, so revolutionary.  It continues to be an unusual place inside and out.
Inside, in one of the loft areas are pipes for the organ, which even the keys are made of wood.


Light and shadow move about the interior as the clouds dance across the skylight in the ceiling.

The reverence comes not from the plaque on the building but from the result of one man's thinking.  It is truly amazing and again, must be inspiring to live and work in buildings like this.

I have a friend who had a health 'event' this week and it reminded me of how great a path daily thanks and praise carves for us in the forests that pop up in life.  If we wait to acknowledge or seek God only in emergencies, we are short-circuiting so much in our lives. 

In the plan of salvation, God made his son, Jesus Christ, ever-living and seated on his right hand specifically to make intercession for us.  That's the Job Description, the Curriculum Vitae of the Lord Jesus Christ:  save the day, make clear the paths, stand in the gap for any person who asks.  Salvation takes but once for all, for all time (See Romans 10:9 & 10), but we still need a savior in our daily lives!  We need grace, we need mercy, we need intervention, we need to have our prayers answered! 

This is a time that Americans specifically start being thankful for that holiday called Thanksgiving which does serve to bring to mind family and the things we are thankful for in our lives.  Surely, we can make that more than one day a year!
I read a magazine article on how a woman wrote down one thing per day that she was thankful for.  I was amazed, not that the woman did it, but that a publisher should think one thing out of one day, each day was worthy of publishing!  Gee whiz!  That's really upside down.

Well, nothing like the present.  If you have not ever done a "Grateful and Thankful" list, start today.  Start with the sunshine coming in your window and warming the nose of your dog or the patterns it makes on your bed comforter at noon, a time that you don't usually get to see what happens in your house because you are working.

Go outside and be thankful for that leaf on the tree that is the last one hanging on.  Catch a fuzz wisp on the wind?  Imagine where it came from and where it will land and take root.  Take a look at your spouse and be thankful you have one that is kind and funny, and pretty easy to get a long with, most of the time.

Have a job, friends, a roof over your head and your health?  That is a lot to be thankful for!

Find something unusual like architecture, music, something in nature or rest, to bring you peace.
