Thursday, May 9, 2013

Post 113 Happy Mother's Day!

For all of you out there: females who are an aunt, a sister, a daughter, a mother, a grandmother to somebody somewhere, perhaps a sister of the heart, or an adoptive parent or grandparent, a designated Auntie of somebody, anyone who has laid a kind hand on a child's head, snuggled them to your lap when they were warm with sleep, thank you.
Thank you for your heart and gentleness, kindness to love and instruct, guide and nurture, comfort and encourage!
I will be driving through Kentucky, hopefully to see my daughter and then on to Illinois to see my Mother and my one Auntie.  Just to hear their sweet voices and hold the hand of my mother is a simple joy.
Have to catch her sitting still to do it.  At 88, she gathers no moss.  She knows this is her time.  She is not sick, has enough money and has no worries.  A few weeks ago, she tried a zip line.  "And", she said "I have the picture to prove it!".  Go Mom, Go!
Here are a few shots from my area in Northeastern Tennessee.  Some wild yellow field poppies (see above), the Globe Allium; you can see that they are in the onion family.  I will post an open bloom in a few days.

An azalea looking much like a Lilly

and Miss Geranium that I kicked outdoors to the deck table last week has rewarded us with a cheery red bloom.

Our early garden is growing nicely, we have had adequate gentle rains and sunshine.  Not too warm yet; sweater weather. 
Wherever your travels take you, we are reminded to keep expecting what we are praying for.  Expect and act until you receive the instruction you have asked for: Habakkuk 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
Wait for it!  On the surface written in the Old English of the King James version, the verse seems contradictory, but it is in fact, a clear admonition to just stay put on the promise of God.  Your answer *will* come and when it does, boom!  Then you move on with the next step.
Until then, hold fast, stand fast, but keep moving.  We labor to enter into the rest.  We have things to do until things come to pass.
Just like the soil garden, we have things to do.  We plant, we weed, it rains, we wait but we do not literally stand in the garden observing each plant until it is ready for harvest.
Same with our spiritual gardens.  We plant, it gets watered, the sun comes, we look for weeds so they do not overgrow in our inattention.  We move forward with our life, for the answer will surely come!

I am carrying with me a notepad and pen, I'm ready.   I have a bag in the car at all times because when the call comes about a job asking "When can you start?" I will answer "I am on the way".  I expect things to happen.

Stay faithful, wait for it!