Sunday, April 7, 2013

Post 108 Goodbye, So Long North Carolina

They seemed to be mocking me, raucously, all the way down my hike on the beach.  It would be enough to send an arm in the air in defiance and cursing but the Laughing Gull would only screech their obscene laughter even more. 
Imagine somebody you really don't like making fun of you in front of your face to other people, loudly and drunkenly.  This type of seagull has the most obnoxious call, similar to the sound a "laughing" Hyena makes. 

Some of you may be old enough to remember an old thriller movie made famous by an historic film maker named Alfred Hitchcock.
In the movie The Birds, people were afraid to go out of their houses for fear of being attacked and eaten up!  I thought of that when I was walking along being circled by the gulls yesterday.
In real life, Laughing Gulls can be easily ignored, as long as you don't start throwing food to them.  I saw a parent rescuing a boy about 5 who mistakedly, held a piece of bread in his hand and was swarmed by the gulls.  Poor little guy, shrieking!
Actually, yesterday and today turned off sunny and a tad warmer though still brisk and windy down by the water.  Flags were standing straight out, kite fliers at the beach were having some crashes, foam was being generated by the washing-maching like action of the waves.
I have some shots of the famed Azaleas in bloom that may or may not make it to the Wilmington, NC festival that annually draws over 100,000 people to the parade alone.  This year it will start  Thursday through Sunday Aprill 11-14.  There is a festival queen, art contests, home and garden tours, rock bands and crafts people.  You get the idea. 
Azaleas bloom individual flowers that are in a cluster of blooms on a shrubby growth and typically does not rebloom in the season, but the garden books indicate the blooms last several weeks.  They are a slow growing shrub, part of the genus of Rhododendron and Pentanthera that prefer shade and grow well under trees or other shady areas.

Not unlike the famed cherry trees in Washington, DC that bloom basically when conditions are right, you may or may not catch the plants in their full glory when you happen to be present.  However, you can see that they are wonderful and come in a variety of colors ranging from white, light pink, hot pink, coral, light salmon, purple and a few more exotic varieties are always being produced.

Other beach delights to behold: today's lunch was a delicious food item that if you have never tried one, don't wrinkle your nose.  Seasoned, grilled and chopped grouper, snapper and fresh shrimp were tossed with a mild horseradish and mayo aioli, layered with greens and topped with fresh pico di gallo. The champagne Mimosa at The Landing Bar and Grill on the main drag going through Carolina Beach, was very cold and generous and made a delicious pairing with the spicy fish taco.  I ate only the goodies on the inside so the portion could have been bigger, but it was excellently prepared and seasoned.
On down the road to my little home away from home this week is the Hidden Treasure Inn. You can reserve a quiet fabulous little efficiency off the main street but easy distance to the pier, restaurants and of course, the beach at  If you are more inclined to sit on the porch and see the ocean as you have coffee, ask the awesome proprieter, Nancy, for a room at Peterson's, instead.
There are just so many layers of blue at the ocean and the colors of the houses in the land of sunshine are just totally fabulous.  Periwinkle, sea-blue, blue-green, yellow, orange, red, purple are not out of place even right next to each other at the shore.  At night, you can hear the constant roar of the surf and outdoors, smell the light tincture of the Carolina White Pines and the brine of the sea.

I have made new friends and therefore, more reasons to return.  Maybe The Job will turn out to be here!
Ahhh, I hate to leave, but, I will be on to another adventure down to Brunswick, Georgia; way down on the SouthEastern coast about half an hour from Florida.

I will leave you with some other shots of spring on the island and until next time, here is a translation from what is called the Amplified version of the Bible of Phillippians 1:28. I like to use different versions occasionally when the King James seems to be obscure in our typical understanding of the verse. Comparing several will give you a greater picture. is a great research site that gives you at least a half dozen translations and also the Hebrew and Greek to English Interlinear.  Check it out!
Regarding "staying put" on a promise from God until you receive what you are praying for:
Do not, for a moment, be frightened or intimidated by your opponent and adversaries for such constancy and fearlessness will be a clear sign, proof and seal to them of their impending destruction, and is a sure  token and evidence of your deliverance and salvation, and that is from God.