Thursday, March 7, 2013

Eucalyptus Deglupta

Post 103
Eucalyptus Deglupta and
The Wonderful You

The unusual Eucalyptus Deglupta or the Rainbow Eucalyptus; the only native eucalyptus to the Northern hemisphere, can be found on the road to Hana in Maui, Hawaii. 
Raised predominantly in Philippine plantations for pulpwood production for paper and tissue, it is protected in Hawaii and used for nothing but beauty.  It is as we should be in that it stands out in the forest. 

Because of its rapid growth; as much as 100 feet in 7 years, the smooth and variegated barked tree stands out. I noticed it grows very straight and appears regal in the forest.  Perhaps because I had never seen anything like it before, it arrested my attention.  What is it?

Once spotted, I had my nose in guidebooks and the Internet learning about it. I was mistaken about how age correlates with the growth of this tree and then I thought about why some Christians appear to grow at faster rates than others or how they find their way faster. 
Some people name that specific thing or things "a calling".  We all have a place in the body of Christ if you are a believer of scriptures (See Romans 10:9 & 10) and we want to find what it is God wants us specifically to do with our time on the planet, and, within a given moment. Within the household, we are all called, what we do with it is by our own decisions. Our decisions enable God to work with us so what growth rate do you want?
To see a growth ratio as a comparison to the Rainbow Eucalyptus, the American White Oak, an official "slow grower" attains 10 to 15 feet in 10 to 12 years.  An Eastern White Pine; a fast-growth tree, still lags behind at 3 feet per year or 21 total in the same 7 years and 100 feet as the Rainbow.
People thrive or not, like trees when all the conditions and components for growth are available.  We know our physical and mental developments are aided or abetted by conditions and nutrients as well as plants.
The same holds true for our spiritual growth.  We are what we eat and we grow as fast as we want to as we position ourselves in proper nutrients  for growth and stay in them.
There is no respect of persons with God, only conditions and the conditions are that we continue to eat and grow. Ultimately, we want growth to be noticed in the forest of life human life so that we can give the nutrients and help to someone else.
There may be "something about you" that those around you notice but just can't quite put their finger on.  You show up to work on time with a smile on, every day, day after day, month after month.  It does not mean we never have challenge, disappointment, sickness or loss but we have different tools in the toolbox of life to deal with those, receive deliverance from those or just plain stand out because we find favor of God at the most unusual times.
We live in a place where good things happen most of the time and what's not to love about that?  Do you want more growth, more spiritual insight?  Keep your nose in the fertile soil and sunshine of God's Word.  Strive to get past the milk of knowledge; able to handle those spiritual things a child can handle and into the meat and depth of it.  I want to hear the voice of God in my ear every day every time I need it or want to hear it.

I am sure that God is there and I try not to ignore that small quiet voice, but I do.  Well, I just get back on the horse and go again.
Before long, if we keep our feet sunk in the soil of God's word, we'll be that Rainbow Eucalyptus that zooms up and has an amazingly different striped bark among the other plain trees of the forest.  There will be something about us that people gravitate to. We all have our specific and unique place in the body.

To find out what that is in your life, just keep nourishing yourself with time in the Bible, time with other believers, time in prayer, time sharing what you have and what you know.
Happy growing, until next time!