Friday, January 25, 2013

Keanae Peninsula

On the road to Hana (Hawaii), the island of Maui and on the Peninsula of Keanae
What to pick first?  We spent a day in the rented Jeep going on "the Road to Hana (pronounced Hahnah) which is 38 miles that takes all day to traverse up
the mountain.  It was originally a tribal road and even today, not all of it is paved, past the tiny village of Hana. 

There were waterfalls; it had been raining the week we were there.

 I will spend a day on the vegetation and indigineous plants, but about mid-way to the top is an unincorporated village named Keanae (Can-ey-a); I think.  A blanket apology for mispronunciation but suffice it to say that the original Hawaiian language pronounces all the vowels you happen to see in a word!
Today, Keanae is a stopping point that has park-like restrooms and a local person selling soft drinks from a cooler off her front porch.  There is a stone mission church that was built in 1856 but mostly, it is a spot for spectacular pictures where surf meets black lava rock in an incredible way, any direction you happen to look and point a camera. 
There are many hairpin turns, the road that turns to one lane, drop-offs without guard rails, black sand beaches, the striped bark Australian Eucalyptus trees, bamboo, red ti plants.  There is also a natural lava tube privately owned park that is open to the public, plus, the township of Hana, once you finally get up the hill.  Things to numerous to mention.
For now, I am back in Kentucky, weathering an icy light snow fall awaiting friends to come home so I can visit.  My rental house required a new water heater and I had to dig out some interview-type clothing from the rented storage shed. 
As I looked through these pictures, I just could not help but see the glory of God in the paintbrush of life.  Splashing the curves of earth with these wonderful waters.   
Feel the power, yet the stillness of God in your heart.  The greatest cargoes in life come in on quiet seas.  Give your cares to Him, for He cares for you!  Let your worries out on the tide. 
Be still, and know that I am God.