Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mag on Black

Mag on Black...the magnolia is worth another view.  This is the same blossom I showed in the last blog just after I picked it, laid it on my lap and took this shot with the cell phone.  I had been downtown for a business meeting with a black pantsuit on, got in the car laying the blossom on my lap as a resting spot and then there was another view that I saw in my mind.   Sometimes, what you see in your brain is what comes out in the photo; awesome when that happens!

Another look around Charleston, South Carolina also.  Home of window boxes, alleyways, 200-year old taverns, horse drawn carriages for tourists.  It bursts with color (as well as humidity), interesting architectural details like shutter latches, door knockers and window treatments.

The whimsical; wooden "Don't let your dog pee here" signs only stated a little differently.  Strolling couples, cannon balls, cobbled streets and the sense that life here is slower, hotter, more languid; because of the heat.  So much to see and do, so little time.

Take time, take it when you can get it.  Take a minute, take awhile, take a snooze, take a break, take a walk, take a hike, take a cookie with you.  I made a new kind and froze most so I would not eat them (why make them?) but freezing them did not slow me down much.  I have tried a new spice and recipe; cardamom.  It is savory sweet, similar to cinnamon with a subtle tang like ginger but more quiet on the tongue.  Sort of like kissing with a really good won't do it.

Take a powder, take it to the Lord in prayer.  There is an older woman of color down the street from me who frequently sits on her porch.  I stop as often I can, this time, rolled up in my car on the way home, put down my window and asked "What is the Word from the Lord today?"  See, this woman is a prayer warrior; eighty-some years old so probably 55 years of supplications, prayers, intercessions, lamentations and utterances have been cast up to the Father.  More importantly, she has cultivated the very fine art of mostly knowing not to fret about the answer to prayer. She concerns herself not with will there be an answer but figuring out ways to bide her time until the answer arrives.

This is something that takes time but the more you pray and see results, over time, you don't get as anxious over waiting as you would have five years ago.  You build strength and endurance as an athlete who practices; day after day, week after week, year after year.  You learn to focus on other things and I personally love the thrill of the answer, when it comes.  Sometimes, right away, some times not.  It is the nots that keep us in knots, yes?  You can always have another opportunity to try again.

Speaking of endurance and athletes, lets honor those men, women and families who are Olympians bringing their passion, dedication and hearts to the world.

I will be watching from Mom's assisted living apartment with her in Illinois.  Found some great stories she has written in boxes that I brought home on the farm.  Next time, I will share some of her flying days.  Did I tell you about that?

Until then, enjoy Charleston~