Saturday, June 23, 2012

Internet Photo Lightning bug
Spring into Summer!

Yes, it is officially here; if you did not realize it, we have passed the summer solstice where the longest day arrives, announcing the official start of summer;  June 20th this year.  That was Wednesday.  Do you remember what you did?

If possible, I like being at the beach or something worthy of recognition in a fun way.  However, I was working (imagine that).  I started out the morning before my official work-from-home day, walking around the morning-dewed garden, watering.  I want to keep the front gardens very respectable as I put the house on the market a few weeks ago! 

Yes, after much thought and prayer, I have decided to try and move to Tennessee.  It is still in my working Region and the plan is to be with cousin and wife who has the yarn shop, closer to family.  Since Mom is taken care of and step-dad gone, daughter turning 18, son nearly 25, it was time to think about "next page" for myself.

For Sale by Owner is a challenge but I am confident and have been friend-educated on it and want to keep that commission in my own pocket.  Always wanting to learn more I am up for the challenge.  I have spent some years in contracts so using this one was a matter of keeping a master copy of what blanks to fill in how.

I worked all day on the computer on special projects, got them in early and thanked my large spread-out team for getting back to me as soon as they could with the required information. 

Next I went to a home party of a young woman who was selling something from home to make pocket money as she stays at home with her toddler.  I can appreciate that; I taught myself the intricacies of alterations and produced them after my children were in bed when they were small.

There was just enough daylight left that I thought I would mow just the front yard, but, what the heck, after I got into it, I figured I might as well finish.  So I did and afterward, sat on the back steps with a glass of wine, cooling down as the sky went from pale yellow to indigo in the West.  The bats came out, humming birds got their last drink from the feeder and the lightening bugs (see pictures below) started illuminating the woods with their random incandescent flashes.

Lightning bugs, known as fireflies, are a wonderful part of living some parts of the United States, as well as Cuba, Germany and Malaysia, to name a few other countries.  There are over 2000 species and are part of the beetle family. They don't bite or sting, the luminescent light on the underside of the abdomen is not hot to touch (is a chemical luminescence) and have an incredible ability in some locations to actually have synchronized flashing.  If you do not happen to be in Malaysia to witness this, you could journey to Elkmont, TN, near the Smoky Mountains in the first few weeks of June. Just missed it!

In Central Kentucky, they come out about the third week of May and are simply a delight of Spring and Summer.  As a kid, we would capture as many as we could in an empty jar.  Cheap fun for kids and letting them go and fly off in a swarm was amazing. 

I ate a thinly sliced tomato from the farmer's market and read a book late into the night so all in all, it was a grand way to start the summer.  I hope to meet a special fellow who would like to enjoy that all with me, but, until we make our way toward each other in the book of life, I am certainly loving my journey and am thankful for many small joys that when strung together, are more priceless than a strand of pearls.

Until next time, string some memories together! 

Oh by the way, on deadheading the Bee Balm (Monardia)...see the inset to the right, deadheading causes the blooms to double in about two days!  I was totally amazed.  Try it!

Internet photo Wikipedia