Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Following Fall in East Tennessee

  The fall non-toxic Sumac that is abundant in hillsides is identified by its red clusters of fruit called drupes (drupays).  The poisonous variety, which causes an allergic reaction like poison ivy to the skin, has white drupes.  There is both a Smooth and Staghorn variety.
  Always interesting to note what other cultures and peoples do with plants that are common to us.  The fruits can be soaked in cool water and then crushed to extract the nectar, mixed with water for a result like lemonade.  Native Americans used the dried fruits in smoking mixtures, so, here's my unprofessional advice:  just look at it and enjoy its beauty! I personally don't want to try drinking or smoking it!
  Tannins can also be extracted and when applied to leather, produces a light weight, light in color product; the more well-known, morocco leather.  It can also be used as burning fuel for beekeeper's smokers.  Who knew all that?
  I just like looking at it knowing it is a sure sign of fall and I have seen it in Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee and West Virginia in the last 8 days.
 Now usually when I get home from a trip like this, I am so glad to lay my head on my own pillow in my own bed.  Nobody banging doors in a hotel at 4:30 a.m.; you would be surprised at how many people do that in "nice" hotels. 
   I walk through my yard to see what has happened, pick up the mail at the Post Office (hardly anyone has street delivery here, don't cha know?), catch up with friends to see what has been going on in their lives.  It keeps me connected, it keeps me grounded, it keeps me knowing I am loved and cared about.
  But this time, in my absence, I had a virtual bomb waiting in the mailbox for me.  I hardly slept a wink, already being without much sleep; the joys of Horse Camp already long behind me and THEN, there is this missive.
  It was one of those ominous legal-beagle looking letters and once opened, it is the proverbial can of worms that is going to spring Trouble into your life.  "How can this be?"  "What has happened here?"  "How can I fix this?"  "OH WOE IS ME"! 
   I hesitate to open it because in my mind, I can see all the dominoes going down in a very l-o-n-g trail.  You know, the map of the United States that somebody has spent three days setting up so that we all can marvel at how long it takes for Domino One, once set in motion up there where Washington State would be on a topographical map, all the way down to Florida.  That's what I'm talking about.  Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrript!  And on it went.
  I tried knocking myself out for a good night's sleep with some over the counter sleep "aids".  Sheesh.  Two hours later, I'm wide awake. 
  OK, nothing for it but to get up at 3:30 and start my research of why this Horrible Thing is a mistake of someone, not me, who is meticulous about records and things but now is impacting my life with a sledge hammer, immediately and with great consequence if I don't pull some documentation out of somewhere.
  I worked on that until 5:30 a.m., slept a bit on an unacknowledged (I sent it and hope my boss who I called last night will approve it) Paid Time Off request, then hit the Court House (no, not this one, the one down the street and over 6 blocks), oh and by the way...does your town have the money-free meters installed? 
  OMG, what a nightmare.  They are not free, you have to go to a central meter, read the configuration (no change given) of how to make it work,  hope to heck you have some negotiable tender shoved down in the wallet, feed this thing that spits out a date-stamped receipt which you lay on your dashboard.
  Yikes, it is exhausting to just read about it!
  I am so g-l-a-d to get home, pull out my pictures and write about the peace that has so alluded me all day, until...until I get focused and centered about what I do have, instead of what I do not.  Until I get focused on what did not happen and could have, that the provision was present, I just had to take care of it, that I could choose to quit feeling like a victim.  Trust me, I spent most of the day feeling like it.  I had no control of the financial mess that occurred, but, I had to fix it. 
  Good thing that I am good at fixing things and that I learned one big thing today.
  It takes a while to metabolize sometimes.  It takes us awhile to absorb, accept, take stock of, then work on Bad News. 
  Do what it takes to take care of you.  Look in the mirror and say "Behold, the glory of the Lord", or, whatever works for you.  Take that dry erase marker I talked about in the blog history and write up some good reminders of who the real you is in this situation.
  Eat, rest, pray, live.  Somebody made a fortune off those simple processes.  We just have to remember to do that.
  For me, the beauty of the land that we live in helps establish and reconnect me with my Maker, with my Rescuer and Provider. 
  Stop, take a stroll, write down some blessings instead of doing all that cursing.  You use up a lot of your life's energy going down the drain on things you cannot control.
  You can control your thoughts, one thought at a time.
  Here is some more of Tennessee to enjoy.  Pictures help!  Try it!
  I will be gone for a few more days so I hope that you are having peaceful seas, until I see you again!