Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fall is falling!

  There is an old poem that goes like this...
   When twighlight draws the curtain down and pins it with a star, remember that you have a friend, although she may be far.
  I thought of that when I saw this picture and to tell you the truth, I cannot place where I took it, but, like much of life that we enjoy, I don't have to know all the details about it in order to enjoy it!
  Anyone around me knows that I filter everything through a knowledge I have of the Bible and though it is fashionable now to say "I am spiritual rather than religious", that would be true, and has been true about me, for years.  The beauty of the Bible is, you don't have to be able to explain or defend it, rather, it speaks for itself.  There are alot of factions, denominations (note the first part of that word!) that do all kinds of treacherous things with what is written in practice and application but like the beauty of that forest at sunset, you don't have to know the colors from indigo to black, refractions, light candles, how the light hits the iris and why we see in black and white..blah blah..we just have to look at it.
 I know for certain this picture is not sunrise because I would not be up that early unless I were catching a plane, and if I were catching a plane at oh-dark-thirty (thank you cousin, love that phrase),  I would not be taking pictures!
  In my area, fall is about 2/3 spent.  We are down to only the lower thirds of the trees having leaves and I am about 1/3 done with my "pack up the yard" chores. We have had the first frost.  I sprayed the outdoor houseplants; the ones I did not toss, with bugspray, repotted some and brought a few in to winter-over. 
  Check with your local extension office or call the local university to see, but in 'these parts', now is the time to put weed and feed on the grass, try to have the last laugh with the dandelions, spray the poison ivy and those sorts of tasks.
  I cleaned and put away the box fans, flipped the mattress,  hung what was probably the last batch of linens on the clothes line before it gets too cold (it really does capture the smell of the sunshine!)and went around the garden, yes, thanking everything that bloomed so beautifly for me this year. 
  Miss Dahlia had a second blooming cycle this season (see July blogs), as did the Widow's Tears (my second blog installment) and I did buy tulips and early crocus yesterday so I can continue to build hope for tomorrow.
  I would really like to get to washing the windows before it is too cold but we will just have to see about that later.  The floors are clean, my dinner is cooking.  There has been a pot of soup in the last few days and I was able to reconnect with friends in town; daily friends as well as church friends.
  When the lady minister asked us today, because it was something they call "Heritage Day" in our church, if someone wanted to speak about why they came to that church, I was inspired to stand and say that it was the church living in the people, not the church itself that invited me to participate.  I was looking for the least religious place I could find and it was the heart of the particular people that left me alone but opened the door for me to come, that got me to come.  I needed a family, and I believe, they needed me. I had a knowledge of how the Bible fits together, but was not at all a person interested in customs or habits of groups.  I never have "joined" the church because God knows that I am there.  You won't find me filling out an attendance sheet for the same reason but what I do is, in a small way, an important thing. 
  Once they opened the door and I walked in, I went to the choir because they really loved what they were doing.  There was joy to be found there and family.  People who cared and still care about if I am home this week, what's going on in my life or what is not going on or not working in my life.
  I hope everyone has a circle of friends and something like that.  This is the place I get to give back and to share what I have.
  I do not have to know how to explain it or know how all the parts intricately work to enjoy it.
  I just do.