Monday, September 12, 2022

Back to the Blog With Blessings!

Hello All,

I recently decided to post in a blog and to sell note cards again, this time in a gallery in TN as well as in public festivals, via my artist-daughter and her husband.

Much water has passed under the bridge of life since I last posted but I am well and isn't this what we all want to declare?  We can, regardless of circumstances but the path to wellness and living in wellness takes some dips now and again.

No need to dwell on the past, rather, let us expect good and excellent things to take place~

I thought I would share some new Fall pictures and then return to blogging as I head down the path to retirement! 

I have no location destination yet but I am committed to leaving Georgia as for the third time in 5 years, I am priced out of an apartment that I can afford.

As my older friends declare, "Be Re-fired, not retired!". When location intersects with timing and cost, then I will know my destination.  Not for the feint of heart but one has to consider that I do not need a place now, my lease is still valid.  I will prepare to go and be ready when it is time.  

Live in the moment, do good where you are.  Enjoy every last drop of goodness in a summer peach!